Chairman – Chief Executive Officer
Avv. Andrea Madonna
Health Management
Dr. Giovanni Gravina
Administrative Manager
Mrs. Elena Martelli
Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (HPPS)
Dr. Thomas Cappelletti
Competent Doctor
SOCIP S.r.l.
Departmental Nursing Manager and Operating Block
Mrs. Saida Kraich
Ward Manager
Mrs. Laura Bartoli
Mrs. Chiara Marchetti
Patient Reception
Mrs. Cristiana Di Martino
Marketing and communication manager
Dr. Francesca Pardossi
Established at the end of the 1960s as a multi-specialist facility, over the years it has become the reference point for private care in the Tuscan panorama, assuming national importance over time. In 2002, Casa di Cura San Rossore was acquired by the Madonna Group, which was determined to transform it into a facility of international excellence. Over the years, in fact, Casa di Cura San Rossore has been enriched by the contribution of great specialists, and its name has become synonymous with quality, efficiency and patient service, precisely because of the authority of the doctors who work there.
The facility has 31 rooms equipped with one or two beds, each specially furnished to ensure the best possible environmental and care comfort during hospitalisation. In addition, it is equipped with 4 operating theatres, 2 rooms for Ambulatory Surgery, an Intensive Care Unit, a delivery block with labour room, delivery room and nursery, an analytical laboratory, doctors’ offices, Diagnostics, Radiodiagnostics with CT and MRI, Bone Densitometry and a Laser Surgery Eye Centre.
Casa di Cura San Rossore benefits from the collaboration of two adjacent facilities: San Rossore Sport Village, a centre dedicated to sports, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, and San Rossore Dental, a state-of-the-art dental facility.
Casa di Cura San Rossore does not have an agreement with the National Health Service and therefore operates, from an economic and regulatory point of view, as a private medical practice for all the services it provides. Casa di Cura San Rossore has agreements with major private insurance companies.
The founding principle on which the care provided by the Casa di Cura San Rossore is based is ‘patient-centredness’.
All internal, structural, technological and professional resources are aimed at solving the user’s health problems. Casa di Cura San Rossore guarantees correct information on the organisation and access to services, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative interventions, ensuring the best environmental and care comfort during hospitalisation.
In particular, Casa di Cura San Rossore intends to safeguard the following rights of the Patient:
Everyone has the right to receive the most appropriate medical care and treatment, without discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, language, religion or political opinion.
Where permitted by the regulations in force, the user has the right to choose, from among the service providers, the one he feels best meets his needs.
The operators' behaviour towards the user is inspired by criteria of objectivity, justice and impartiality.
The structure guarantees the user participation in the provision of the service through correct, clear and complete information, with the possibility of expressing his or her evaluation of the quality of the services provided and of forwarding complaints or suggestions for improving the service.
Casa di Cura ensures continuity and regularity of care. In the event of irregular operation or interruption of the service, it shall take measures to cause the least possible inconvenience to the user.
The service is provided in such a way as to ensure an optimal relationship between resources deployed, activities performed and results obtained.
Casa di Cura San Rossore is attentive to the needs of its patients and their carers and guarantees visitors total accessibility to its facilities and services.

Free visiting hours
Visiting hours for in-patients are free. It is possible to visit patients from 7 AM to 10 PM, subject to medical and ward requirements and needs. Accompanying persons and visitors must comply with the rules laid down by the attending physicians and the staff in charge of Casa di Cura for all matters concerning patient care.
The floors of Casa di Cura San Rossore are interconnected by lifts that allow comfortable access to every department.
Free parking
For patients and visitors who reach Casa di Cura San Rossore by car, a large car park has been set up in the immediate vicinity, totally free of charge.

Casa di Cura San Rossore has agreements with the largest and most important insurance companies.
- Italian Army
- Litorale Pisano Public Assistance
- Tuscany National Magistrates’ Association
- Termomeccanica
- Kuwait Petroleum
- Ser.nav SRL Servizi per la navigazione
- Seven Stars
- WelfareJob
- Marine Medical Service S.r.L.
- Gruppo donatori di sangue “Erika Cuciniello“, Pisa
- Aetna
- Alliance Global Assistence
- Angelo Investments
- AON Hewitt Risk & Consulting SRL
- AP companies
- Areamedical24
- Assidai (Previmedical)
- Assirete
- Axa Caring
- Banca di Fornacette
- Blue Assistance
- Casagit
- Caspie
- Cega Medical Assistance
- Cigna
- COMIPA – Consorso tra Mutue Italiane di Previdenza e Assistenza
- Coopsalute (Winsalute)
- Cooperazione Salute
- Cup solidale
- Europ Assistance
- Europ Assistance E-Health
- Far Express
- Faschim (Progesa)
- Fasi (Progesa)
- Fasi Open (Progesa)
- Filo Diretto
- FISDE – Fondo Integrativo Sanitario per i Dipendenti del Gruppo ENI
- Fondo Salute Cesare Pozzo
- Geo Blue
- Gruppo Generali
- Happily Welfare
- Help Card
- HTH Worldwide
- International Care Company
- International SOS Assistance UK Ltd
- Ipazia
- Mapfre Warranty
- Medic4All
- MyAssistance
- Mynet
- Network Poste Protezione (Poste Italiane)
- Network SAA International Assistance
- Pentair Water
- Previmedical
- RBM Salute (Intesa San Paolo)
- SAA International
- SAS Soluzioni assicurative sanitarie
- TRICARE Overseas Program
- TRICARE Providers Support Services
- Unisalute
- Van Breda
- Wit Italy

Casa di Cura San Rossore has agreements with the largest and most important insurance companies.
- Italian Army
- Litorale Pisano Public Assistance
- Tuscany National Magistrates’ Association
- Termomeccanica
- Kuwait Petroleum
- Ser.nav SRL Servizi per la navigazione
- Seven Stars
- WelfareJob
- Marine Medical Service S.r.L.
- Gruppo donatori di sangue “Erika Cuciniello“, Pisa
- Aetna
- Alliance Global Assistence
- Angelo Investments
- AON Hewitt Risk & Consulting SRL
- AP companies
- Areamedical24
- Assidai (Previmedical)
- Assirete
- Axa Caring
- Banca di Fornacette
- Blue Assistance
- Casagit
- Caspie
- Cega Medical Assistance
- Cigna
- COMIPA – Consorso tra Mutue Italiane di Previdenza e Assistenza
- Coopsalute (Winsalute)
- Cooperazione Salute
- Cup solidale
- Europ Assistance
- Europ Assistance E-Health
- Far Express
- Faschim (Progesa)
- Fasi (Progesa)
- Fasi Open (Progesa)
- Filo Diretto
- FISDE – Fondo Integrativo Sanitario per i Dipendenti del Gruppo ENI
- Fondo Salute Cesare Pozzo
- Geo Blue
- Gruppo Generali
- Happily Welfare
- Help Card
- HTH Worldwide
- International Care Company
- International SOS Assistance UK Ltd
- Ipazia
- Mapfre Warranty
- Medic4All
- MyAssistance
- Mynet
- Network Poste Protezione (Poste Italiane)
- Network SAA International Assistance
- Pentair Water
- Previmedical
- RBM Salute (Intesa San Paolo)
- SAA International
- SAS Soluzioni assicurative sanitarie
- TRICARE Overseas Program
- TRICARE Providers Support Services
- Unisalute
- Van Breda
- Wit Italy

Casa di Cura San Rossore has agreements with the largest and most important insurance companies.
Our conventions
- Italian Army
- Litorale Pisano Public Assistance
- Tuscany National Magistrates’ Association
- Termomeccanica
- Kuwait Petroleum
- Ser.nav SRL Servizi per la navigazione
- Seven Stars
- WelfareJob
- Marine Medical Service S.r.L.
- Gruppo donatori di sangue “Erika Cuciniello“, Pisa
Affiliated insurance companies
- Aetna
- Alliance Global Assistence
- Angelo Investments
- AON Hewitt Risk & Consulting SRL
- AP companies
- Areamedical24
- Assidai (Previmedical)
- Assirete
- Axa Caring
- Banca di Fornacette
- Blue Assistance
- Casagit
- Caspie
- Cega Medical Assistance
- Cigna
- COMIPA – Consorso tra Mutue Italiane di Previdenza e Assistenza
- Coopsalute (Winsalute)
- Cooperazione Salute
- Cup solidale
- Europ Assistance
- Europ Assistance E-Health
- Far Express
- Faschim (Progesa)
- Fasi (Progesa)
- Fasi Open (Progesa)
- Filo Diretto
- FISDE – Fondo Integrativo Sanitario per i Dipendenti del Gruppo ENI
- Fondo Salute Cesare Pozzo
- Geo Blue
- Gruppo Generali
- Happily Welfare
- Help Card
- HTH Worldwide
- International Care Company
- International SOS Assistance UK Ltd
- Ipazia
- Mapfre Warranty
- Medic4All
- MyAssistance
- Mynet
- Network Poste Protezione (Poste Italiane)
- Network SAA International Assistance
- Pentair Water
- Previmedical
- RBM Salute (Intesa San Paolo)
- SAA International
- SAS Soluzioni assicurative sanitarie
- TRICARE Overseas Program
- TRICARE Providers Support Services
- Unisalute
- Van Breda
- Wit Italy
CASA DI CURA SAN ROSSORE, in coerenza con i principi etici di governance e le finalità stabilite dallo Statuto, ha adottato un Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo, che nella sua ultima revisione è stato approvato con delibera del Consiglio di Amministrazione in data 25/06/2019.
Il Modello è costituito da una “Parte generale” e da una “Parte speciale”, corredata dai protocolli comportamentali che insistono sui rischi-reato identificati nel Modello.
Contestualmente all’adozione del “Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo” CASA DI CURA SAN ROSSORE ha nominato un Organismo di Vigilanza (OdV) in forma collegiale, nelle persone di:
- Dott. Gianluca Vaselli, Presidente;
- Dott. Giovanni Gravina, membro interno;
- Dott.ssa Cinzia Bernardini, membro esterno.
E’ stato istituito un canale di comunicazione con l’Organismo di Vigilanza all’indirizzo di posta elettronica organismodivigilanza@sanrossorecura.it , a cui dovranno essere inviate le segnalazioni relative a eventuali violazioni e non conformità rispetto alle prescrizioni previste dal Modello 231, ivi compreso il Codice Etico; l’accesso a suddetto canale informativo è riservato all’Organismo di Vigilanza.