Home nursing service
Our facility offers home nursing services for all those who, for various reasons, need to perform certain services at their homes.
Casa di Cura San Rossore can perform the service on Pisa and province by contacting the secretary at +39 050 586 413. All requests will be delivered within 24-48 hours by qualified personnel trained for this particular type of assistance.

The expected benefits are as follows:
Specialist examination
Medline-type venous access or PIC
Bladder catheterization change and management
Enema + rectal exploration
Wound culture swab
Lower extremity arterial echocolordoppler
Lower and upper extremity arterial echocolordoppler
Venous + arterial lower limb echocolordoppler
Venous + arterial lower and upper limb echocolordoppler
Venous + arterial upper limb echocolordoppler
Lower extremity venous echocolordoppler
Lower and upper extremity venous echocolordoppler
Upper extremity venous echocolordoppler
Surgical ecomography
Sasogastric tube management and Peg
Management of ostomies and tracheostomies
24h cardiac holter
48h cardiac Holter;
Prescription intravenous injection
Complex dressing
Simple dressing
Blood sampling
Suture removal
Physiotherapy session
Angiological examination
Cardiological examination
Visit analgesic therapy
Geriatric examination
Complex bandage
Pressotherapy for lymphedema