Specialist Units
Our medical and surgical units serve your health.

Medical Activities
The Casa di Cura San Rossore houses specially equipped outpatient clinics for examinations
specialists in numerous branches.
Surgical Activities
The Casa di Cura San Rossore provides inpatient and day hospital services and
Diagnosis and treatment services inherent in the branches of Medicine and Surgery.

Laboratory Examinations
Our laboratory processes and provides in a short time the results of the analysis required by
doctors and patients.
Through endoscopic examination, it is possible to have early diagnosis of different types of gastrointestinal diseases.

Pathological Anatomy
Analyses that can be performed at Casa di Cura San Rossore detect and identify the
alterations in organs and tissues that can help with diagnosis and choices
All types of Imaging Diagnostics services are usable thanks to the availability of state-of-the-art equipment and the expertise of radiology specialists in the various fields of diagnostics.

The radiotherapy operating unit specializes in administering radiation therapy, a medical treatment used in patients with malignancies. It is managed by a team of highly specialized health professionals, including radiation oncologists, medical physicists, radiologists and cancer nurses.
Through its ultrasound service, Casa di Cura San Rossore offers a clear picture of your health, providing accurate results in a short time.

Diagnostic examinations
With precision and care, we develop clear and reliable answers to ensure a better understanding of one's health status. Our diagnostic examinations: Hysteroscopy, Electromyography, Spirometers, Uroflexometry, Polypsonography, Bone Densitometry.