Pain Center
At Casa di Cura San Rossore is the Pain Unit and Palliative Care, the center specializing in the treatment and care of chronic pain.

The idea of the Pain Unit stems from a simple yet sad fact: in Italy, about thirteen million people are affected by chronic pain, and of these, 45% have been living for more than 6 months without having found a solution to the problem, just as 17% have not found lasting remedies for more than 5 years. The Pain Unit and Palliative Care, therefore, aims to improve the living conditions of people with and without chronic oncological pain.
Pain therapy consists of the interventions useful in identifying and applying therapies to eliminate and control pain, regardless of the cause. It includes not only drug therapies, but also surgical, instrumental, psychological and rehabilitation therapies, variously integrated with each other.
With the Pain Unit, the Casa di Cura San Rossore wants to create a comprehensive and innovative therapeutic pathway that brings together the multidisciplinarity needed for patient care in a single health center.
L’approccio multidisciplinare, infatti, rende possibile fornire simultaneamente consulti e attività che, di norma, vengono erogati in diverse strutture e in tempi differenti. Specifically, the center aims to improve the living conditions of people with chronic pain, reducing the degree of disability and promoting their reintegration into social and work environments.
The Pain Unit provides a collaborative form of patient assessment and care by specialists in:
- Anesthesia and resuscitation
- Neurosurgery
- Orthopedics
- Neurology
- Physiatry
- Oncology
- Psychology
- Physiotherapy
- Nutrition
After an initial diagnostic evaluation, in the most complex cases, the patient will subsequently be able to access an inpatient day hospital in which he or she will have the opportunity to interact with the previously indicated specialists.
Upon completion of the assessment, the Pain Unit Coordinator will deliver a clinical report along with a proposed treatment plan for the patient. Once accepted, the patient’s intended course of treatment is activated.
Dr. Matteo Capozza
Dr. Simone Casarosa
Dr. Giovanni Santarelli
Dr. Ferdinando Sartucci
Pain Therapy
Dr. Giuliano De Carolis
Dr. Giovanni Gravina
Dr. Monica Lencioni
Dr. Chiara Pfanner
For questions, clarifications or other Info please fill out the form below, you will be contacted by our dedicated staff as soon as possible.