Casa di Cura performs Endoscopy examinations for diagnostics, therapeutic treatment, and the performance of and possible support for surgical procedures.

The examinations, performed if necessary with anesthesiological assistance, are:
Esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (Gastroscopy)
Pancolonoscopy (Colonoscopy)
Vital coloring
Endoscopic magnification
Esophageal pH-metry (conventional or with wireless capsule)
High-resolution esophageal manometry
Rigid dilatation, hydraulic, pneumatic
Placement PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy)
Endoprosthesis placement
Mucosectomia (EMR, Endoscopic Mucosal Resection)
Endoscopic submucosal resection (ESD)
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
Treatment of esophageal fistulas and perforations
Endoscopic myotomy for achalasia (P.O.E.M., PerOral Endoscopic Myotomy)
Video-capsule endoscopy allows visualization of the colorectal mucosa by ingesting a small capsule-shaped camera that, as it advances along the digestive tract, records images and sends them to a small external recorder strapped to a belt that the patient wears around the waist.Compared with traditional colonoscopy and virtual colonoscopy, video-capsule colonoscopy allows direct visualization of the colon mucosa (like the traditional exam), does not rely on radiation (like virtual colonoscopy), and most importantly is non-invasive (but not therapeutic).
Dr. Giovanni Pallabazzer – General Surgeon, Endoscopist, perfected in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the esophagus and stomach
Dr. Lorenzo Bertani – Gastroenterologist
Dr. Adolfo G. Puglisi – General surgeon, specializing in Endoscopy and Proctology
Dr. Biagio Solito – General Surgeon, specializing in Esophageal Surgery, Endoscopy and Proctology
Dr. Roberto Spinsi – General surgeon, specializing in endoscopy of the digestive tract
Dr. Alessandro Sturiale – Colo-proctology surgeon, specializing in pelvic floor surgery
Dr. Gianluca Toniolo – Specialist in Surgery, Endoscopy and Anesthesiology