Pathological anatomy
The Laboratory Medicine Area of the Casa di Cura San Rossore is divided into two Sections:
–Chemical-Clinical Analysis and Microbiology
– Pathological Anatomy: Histology, Clinical Cytology, Cervicovaginal Cytology accompanied by HPV molecular research and characterization, Molecular Diagnostics of Neoplasms
The Laboratory supports the activities carried out within the Casa di Cura San Rossore for both outpatients and inpatients. In addition, the Laboratory is also available for examination requests from outside.
The Laboratory is open 24 hours a day for inpatient activity needs and provides the histo-cytopathological diagnosis in a very short time: same-day for clinical cytology, 48 hours for biopsies, 72 hours for surgical material.

Dr. Valerio Ortenzi – Director of the Department of Pathological Anatomy
Dr. Francesca Garbini – Specialist in Pathologic Anatomy